
              "Your trusted guide and support to your insurance                  in the Czech Republic"

Independent insurance agents that put your best interest first!

The Vrtba Garden, one of the most precious and beautiful of Prague's Baroque gardens.
The Vrtba Garden, one of the most precious and beautiful of Prague's Baroque gardens.

Expert Insurance for Expats in the Czech Republic

Welcome to Helloinsurance.cz, your go-to independent insurance agency in the Czech Republic. We specialise in securing private health insurance for foreigners in line with visa requirements, and offer a range of other options including basic health insurance, travel insurance house & household insurance, and injury coverage.

Why having us as your agent?

  1. We put your interest first
  2. We navigate through the constantly changing market 
  3. We look after you through the duration of insurance contract
  4. We are FREE, the insurance companies pay us for securing a contract with you
  5. We are helpful: with contract changes, amendments, claims, cancellations ..
  6. We sincerely care!

Health insurance for foreigners

At helloinsurance.cz, we offer a range of insurance solutions for foreigners in the Czech Republic. With our help, you can find the right insurance plan to meet your needs and visa requirements. We will guide you through the process and help you secure the best coverage for your budget.

1. Health Insurance

Health insurance is our speciality. It is a type of coverage that helps individuals and families pay for medical expenses. By paying the premium, individuals can have access to a wide range of healthcare services, including doctor visits, hospital stays, prescription drugs, and preventive care. Health insurance helps protect individuals from the financial burden of unexpected medical bills, providing peace of mind and financial security. There are various types of health insurance plans available, from basic accident and emergency coverage to comprehensive insurance, from budget to premium allowing access to private clinics. 

2. Insurance Consultation

Due to a high level of requirements, unless seen unnecessary, our expert advice and guidance on various insurance products and policies is done via email, providing general to detailed descriptions of various products. This service is designed to help individuals and families find the right insurance coverage to protect their health. Based on details you provide, we will review your current insurance plan, assess your needs and risks, and provide personalized recommendations for coverage that best suits your specific situation. 


Looking for reliable insurance coverage during your stay in the Czech Republic? Look no further than helloinsurance.cz! As an independent insurance agent, we specialize in securing insurance for foreigners, whether it's for visa purposes or for peace of mind when it comes to your health.


Cukrovarnická 838/87, Praha 162 00

+420 792 757 833
